Chapter Meetings
Meeting Information
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Meeting agenda:
6:00 pm Doors Open
6:00-6:30 pm Meet & Greet
6:30-7:00 pm Business Meeting
7:00-8:30 pm Guest Speaker Presentation and Q&A
Guest Speakers 2024 /2025
September 2024
Guest Speaker
September 9, 2024: Capt. Zach Flake
Meadowlands & Barnegat Bay Stripers on the Fly
Third generation outdoorsman & conservationist, Capt. Zach Flake, owner of Flyway Charters, will share his passion for and knowledge of fly & light tackle fishing for striped bass in the Meadowland backwaters and Barnegat Bay flats. Zach will discuss when, where, and how to fish for these prized anadromous linesiders.
October 2024
Guest Speaker
October 21, 2024: Dave Rothrock
Drop Shot Nymphing
Long-time fly fisherman, author, guide, fly fishing and fly casting instructor, Dave Rothrock, discusses another highly-effective nymphing technique -- drop-shot nymphing. While Euro-nymphing is often touted as superior to all other nymphing techniques, there are other set-ups that are highly effective. Drop-shot nymphing provides the versatility to enable an angler to use a tight-line or indicator set-up. It also allows for easy and precise weight changes to meet the varieties of current speed and depth encountered as well as reducing the number of flies lost to the stream substrate Dave will identify effective non-beaded nymph patterns, how to set up a drop-shot rig, and fish a sighter & indicator systems.
November 2024
Guest Speaker
November 11, 2024: Scott Major
The Traditional Fly Fisherman
Scott Major, skilled fly-fisherman, fly fishing instructor and creator of the popular PA Woods N Water YouTube channel shares his approach to fly fishing honed by nearly 50 years of experience on the water. He discusses how he fishes nymphs and dry flies, going back and forth easily between both. He also shares some of his "out-of-the box" strategies and dispels some of the common misconceptions of our sport.
Decmember 2024
ESCTU Holiday Party
December ?, 2024
D&R Greenway Land Trust, Inc., 1 Preservation Pl, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA
January 2025
January 13, 2025: Fritz Miller
Annual Fly Tying Night
Avid fly fishermen and fly tyer, ESCTU's Fritz Miller will demonstrate how to tie various flies effective in area waters. All are welcome to bring their own equipment and tie along.
February 2025
Guest Speakers
February 10, 2025: Andrew & Nancy Moy
DIY Fly Fishing the Western Rivers
Avid fly fishers, world travelers, and owners of Tight Lines Fly Fishing Shop in Parsippany, Anderw & Nancy Moy will share their experience of DIY fly fishing the Western rivers from the Bow River in Calgary to the Muskegon in Michigan and numerous rivers in-between. They will discuss the pros and cons of such a trip along with the "how, when, and where" to maximize your DIY experience..
March 2025
Guest Speaker
March 10, 2025: Henry Ramsey
Fishing the Early Season Hatches
Henry Ramsey. renowned fly tier, angler, author, & guide, discusses the early season fly fishing experience and the most important hatches we encounter including the Early Stoneflies, Baetis Olives, Quill Gordon, Blue Quill, Hendricksons and others. He will discuss his match the hatch strategies and the flies he carries to imitate those insects.
April 2025
Guest Speaker
April 14, 2025: Stephen Sautner
A Cast in the Woods
Angler and author Stephen Sautner recounts his story of purchasing a streamside cabin and land in the Catskills and thought he bought angling nirvana. Little did he know he would be battling epic floods, fracking for natural gas, invasive species & insect plagues. In between casts for wild trout and other species, he shares a much better understanding of the stewardship and interconnectedness between angling and the natural world.
May 2025
Guest Speaker
May 12, 2025: Brian Millen
Annual Fly Casting Clinic
Joan Wulff-certified casting instructor and inventor of the Excel Caster, ESCTU’s Brian Millen provides casting instruction on various fly casting techniques. Bring your own rod(s) or try one of the latest Orvis rods provided courtesy of the Orvis Princeton. Location: D&R Greenway Land Trust.
Meeting Location Information:
The Chapter normally meets on the second Monday of every month (except July and August) at the D&R Greenway Land Trust, Johnson Education Center, One Preservation Place, Princeton, NJ 08540.
The chapter meetings are free and open to the public.
Chapter members are encouraged to bring potential new members to our meetings so they may learn about us and hopefully be inclined to join.
Directions The D&R Greenway Land Trust:
One Preservation Place, Princeton, NJ, which is off of Rosedale Rd in Princeton.
There are numerous ways to reach the D&R Greenway Land Trust, depending on your starting point.
The D&R Greenway Land Trust organization’s website ( contains detailed driving directions.
For those already familiar with the Princeton area, the following directions should get your there:
From the intersection of Elm Rd. and Rosedale Rd in Princeton:
Follow Rosedale Road approximately 0.6 miles and look for a sign on your left with a stone base for D&R Greenway Land Trust. Turn left at the sign onto Preservation Place and wind to the right to reach the courtyard parking area. (NOTE: The Trust's sign is not well-illuminated and can be difficult to read at night.)
From the intersection of Province Line Rd and Rosedale Rd:
Follow Rosedale Road in an easterly direction (toward Princeton) for 1 mile and look for a sign on your right with a stone base for D&R Greenway Land Trust. Turn right at the sign and wind to the right to reach the courtyard parking area. (NOTE: The Trust's sign is not well-illuminated and can be difficult to read at night.)
ESCTU Meeting Facility - RWJ Auditorium
Floor Plan
Capacity: 175 standing, 100 auditorium-style seating